The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is an integrated set of tools used to track and monitor the movement and living conditions of displaced populations.

Baseline data is collected across Haiti, processed by IOM’s own DTM team, and then shared with key government and humanitarian partners. It enables the timely identification of vulnerable populations and their needs and thus strengthens the coordinated efforts of all humanitarian actors. DTM captures the movement and trends of a constantly shifting population, provides ongoing and up‐to‐date information with increased frequency during new crises.

IOM Haiti’s DTM is composed of three integrated projects which cover residual displacement from the 2010 Earthquake, cross-border migration between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and the primary and secondary movements caused by Hurricane Matthew.


IOM has partnered with a variety of national and international organizations to coordinate relief efforts for the different humanitarian crises in Haiti. Our trained enumerators employ mobile data collection and remote sensing teams for specific data collection projects and are in the field on a daily basis. The DTM data they collect and facilitates protection activities, CCCM, the provision of health and WASH services, as well as early reconstruction efforts.

IOM is always looking for partners and to improve the data to meet the needs of the humanitarian community. For information that is not on the DTM pages ( or potential projects or collaboration, please send an email to

Tools and Technologies

IOM has 36 field staff based out of Port au Prince and three (3) regional offices in Jeremie, Les Cayes, and Ouanaminthe. Our staff are out in the field on a daily basis conducting interviews, surveys, and assessments and use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping with a high resolution digital camera. A specialized GIS team then uses these photos to code affected areas and produce detailed maps of the various migration situations in Haiti.

DTM Haiti: Project Overviews

DTM has been adapted to suit the different migration situations within the Haitian context. The aftereffects of the January 10, 2010 earthquake are still visible, especially in urban areas around Port-au-Prince, and the destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew is devastating. Understanding the extent of the damage and the resulting displacement helps illuminate the extent of the humanitarian situation and direct aid in an effective and targeted manner.

DTM IDP 2010

DTM IDP was adapted to the post-earthquake context of Haiti to cover emergency, early-recovery, risk reduction and preparedness phases. Key components of this DTM project include registration, site assessments, and household surveys. At its height the DTM facilitated the management of more than 1,500 camps housing more than 1 million IDPs. Ongoing projects are primarily focused on return and relocation and the subsequent closing down of the 30 remaining camps using a database of more than 62,000 registered individuals.

DTM Border Monitoring

DTM Border Monitoring tracks forced and voluntary movements across the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic (DR) by conducting voluntary surveys at more than 50 official and non-official border crossing points. Key projects include the referral of vulnerable cases and unaccompanied minors to partners such as UNHCR and UNICEF, with the support of several local Haitian NGOs. This project has been running since 16 June 2015 after the expiration of the registration component of the DR’s « National Plan for the Regularization of Foreigners » (PNRE in Spanish), which has caused the deportation of more than 41,000 individuals since June 2015. Weekly statistical reports are sent to our partners with up-to-date information collected on a rolling basis by IOM enumerators along the border.

DTM Matthew

DTM Matthew was operational within 72 hours of Hurricane Matthew’s landing and has been cataloging damages, conducting building inventories, household registration, and evacuation center registrations since October 2016. Primary and secondary displacement patterns are being traced through bus station surveys and detailed catalogues of damaged buildings are being done per priority locality as indicated by the government of Haiti. The data collected has helped facilitate the allocation of aid. More than 50 localities have been surveyed, totaling more than 10,000 buildings and 40,000 individuals, as discussed in five (5) monthly reports which have been released since October.

Key Components of DTM


Registration is done at camps which are managed by IOM in Port-au-Prince and areas hit significantly by Hurricane Matthew. It is done through interviews with the heads of households or individuals and information about vulnerabilities, age-sex data, contact information, employment details, education levels, current locations, number of dependents etc. is collected in order for needs assessments and programs to be initiated.

Site Assessments

Site Assessments are conducted through key informant interviews and are done at the department, commune, and site/location level. Data includes population estimates, displacement reasons and patterns and the identification of vulnerable groups and priority needs, which then facilitates programs and beneficiary targeting.

Border Monitoring

Border Monitoring consists of registration and interviews with individuals who crossed the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti either voluntarily or by force. These flows are monitored at 50 different crossing points along the border, where IOM enumerators and protection agents are stationed to receive and profile individuals, as well as provide support and referrals where necessary.


Surveys are conducted on an individual basis through interviews. A bus-station survey conducted by IOM in the wake of Hurricane Matthew asks individuals to anonymously respond to questions regarding their travel intentions to and from the affected areas, their areas of origins, destinations, and reasons for their travel. This flow monitoring survey has helped track the most hard-hit areas and identify priority sectors as well as areas for programs and aid.


Key IOM partners include UNICEF and UNHCR, as well as local NGOs such as GARR (Group d’Appui aux Repatriés et Réfugiés) and SJM (Service Jesuit pour la Migration). We share our data with a number of international NGOs, including ACTED, and CARE. IOM is the sector leader for CCCM (Camp Coordination Camp Management) and works with the Haitian ministry of Interior and local municipalities to provide shelter and manage camps for IDPs across the country. Projects and reporting are all made possible by DTM data.

DTM Outputs/Achievements
  • 90+ Border Monitoring reports have been produced weekly since July 2015
  • A border monitoring database on registered returnees, including vulnerable individuals, is maintained and shared with relevant partners (UNHCR, UNICEF)
  • 30+ DTM IDP report packages have been published since June 2010. They include narratives of results, comparisons with previous periods, trend analysis, DTM spreadsheets, KMZ files, IDP site atlas at commune levels, and site profiles. They are all available online.
  • DTM IDP: Since 2010, 87,085 households have left camps through rental subsidy programs, leading to the closure of 547 sites.
  • 5 DTM Matthew reports have been produced monthly since October 2016.
  • A DTM Matthew database containing registered shelters and displacement patterns as well as a building inventory carried out in priority areas identified by the Haitian government.
  • In total, more than 1.6 million IDPs and returnees have been registered by IOM since 2010

DTM is made possible by:

DTM Partners